YAYYY!! I have a new blog site! I was getting frustrated with blogger…so I jumped over to world press!
You can now find my blog and follow me at: my new site!
Whats going on upstairs…
An honest journey through the ups, downs and in-betweens of the life I have been gifted.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
{INSPIRED} Favorite projects of 2012!
I credit Pinterest for rejuvenating my craftiness and love to be creative. Where has this website been all my life?! I have always loved being creative, but after my freshman year of college ended, {and life got crazy} I found myself putting craftiness as less as a priority! What I have found, is that I NEED to make time for this. It is one of the main things {bedsides running} that truly recharges me!
Among my numerous crafty projects in 2012, these are my favorite ones:
I found this previously gold painted antique mirror at a garage sale this fall for $10.00.
All I did for this was:
1. Cover the center {mirror part} with a large plastic bag
2. Tape the edges down around the inside {making sure the tape was under the edge of the frame}
3. Spray painted 2 coats of black paint on the outside!
I think this may be one of my favorite projects & it was very simple!
I had a bunch of old mason jars- so I grabbed a few to have some fun with!
1. I squirted some acrylic paint I had laying around inside of them {enough to fill the whole bottom of the jar to about 1 cm}
2. Twirled the jar a bunch to move the paint around
3. Tipped upside down to sit for a few minutes on an old bag so that the paint would move downward
**I occasionally had to add more paint, and repeat these steps a few times in order to cover all of the glass!
I think this is my favorite thing I made all year! This precious picture now resides in Addie's room!
All I did for this was:
1. Paint a couple coats of acrylic paint on a blank canvas for the background
2. Get Addie's foot and handprints on there {as mess free as possible} with a different color paint, and then paint the heart in the center
3. Paint the quote with a 3rd color of choice!
4. Staple some ribbon on the back of the canvas so it can be hung
I hope she is inspired by these words and chooses to live by them as she grows older!
"Act Justly, Love Deeply, Walk Humbly"
**Click here for the link to the blog post who inspired me to make this!
This was another Pinterest inspired project!
1. I cut out a 4x6 scrap book piece of paper, and decorated it as "manly" as I could
2. I stuck it in a 4x6 frame, and added a white board marker
3. Tadaa! now I have a fun way of telling Sam all the reasons why I love him!
I had the honor of making the centerpieces and programs for my best friend's wedding this past September! Wow, was is fun to do this! For the centerpieces- I was on a budget, but still wanted it to look fun & classy {just like the bride!}
1. I collected the mason jars that I needed {many of them were empty cleaned out jars from old food items that I got clean with Goo Gone, and others were store bought at Walmart- the cheapest place to get them}
2. Tied pieces of colored raffia around the top of the jar
3. Cut off a flower from bouquets I found at the dollar store
4. Hot glued a penny to the bottom of the flower {where the stem would go} so that they would sink in the jar.
5. Added floating candles found at Ikea {which was the cheapest place to find these!}
All in all I think they turned out beautiful and were VERY inexpensive! They turned out to be less than $1 per jar!
This one was EASY and FUN! I had a bunch of old keep sakes from the time Sam and I started dating until now... and never quite knew what to do with them! So I found this idea on Pinterest as well, and went with it!
1. I bought a large frame
2. Then I collaged all of our tickets etc. onto the fake picture/ piece of paper that comes with the frame, attached with rubber cement {so the paper wouldn't wrinkle} and that's all!!
My aunt's dog was apparently being feed multiple times without the other family member knowing that she had already been fed! She came to me, needing something simple they could use to let the other family members know if the dog had been fed or not!
1. I bought a small wooden square, acrylic paint, small wooden dog cutout, twine, and brass hooks {with screws on the end} from Michael's
2. I decorated each side with paint and hot glued the painted dog cutout on as well
3. Then I tied the twine onto each of the 2 hooks, and screwed them into the top of the wooden square.
They hung this above the dog food dish, and now all they have to do is flip the sign around to the appropriate side!
This is another one of my favorites, and was inspired by Pinterest as well! {click here to see}
It was made for my best friend and her husband for their first married Christmas together!
1. I copied and pasted the words to their "first dance" onto a word document, and repeated the words until the page was full.
2. I then cut out a tree shape with those lyrics after printing them out on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of white card stock
3. I cut out a small rose from her wedding bouquet, as well as two small hearts from red card stock
4. I tied 2 pieces of thin twine around one of the branches
5. I hot glued the hearts on top of the ends of the twine
6. I stuck the flower in-between the loop holes of the twine
7. I then put the sheet of paper {with everything attached} inside an 11x14 frame that had space between the matting and the glass.
Hooray for fun homemade gifts!
Hopefully you can be inspired to create something yourself, whatever that may look like in your life!
{Note: some of these projects were inspired by other blogs/ users on Pinterest. Credit is given to those with links attached to the "pin"}
wedding centerpieces,
Monday, December 31, 2012
A NEW year, A NEW you!
I cannot believe that 2012 is already over! WOW- did this year move by in full speed or what?! It was a good year. No, it was a great year! I am happy to say that for the first time in our marriage, we did not have an major changes, moves, or big events happen! (Want to an overview of what happened in our lives in 2011? click here!) In 2012, it felt so good to just be! We were finally able to focus on being the best 'us' we can, as individuals and a family. Rest assured, we have A LOT of growing and bettering to do but it was a good start!
Last year, for the first time ever I made a list of what I called New Years Goals…I have always been hesitant to make these because I didn't ever want to be just another person writing down a bunch of idealistic things that I would:
A. Forget come June
B. Never achieve.
So when I made this list, I meant it.
I am a firm believer that if you don't have goals, you will never achieve them. This year, I daily (almost) worked toward these goals, and can honestly say I achieved them! I even exceeded one of them by running a FULL marathon instead of my goal to do a half or 10k!!! I only hope to continue on with these lifestyle changes and increase them as the years go by.
This year, I made another list for 2013. I had been thinking for a long time about what things I could do to better my life in major ways and grow as a person. Here is what I came up with. You better believe that everyday will be spent working towards these goals!
Cheers to continuing to grow to be a better person not only for ourselves, but for our God and those around us.
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My little girl in her "party ballerina outfit!" |
Happy New Year everyone!!!
New years resolutions
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Christmas time is here!
And just like that, it was Christmas!
Last year, having a newborn- I expected the time to fly by. But this year it seemed to come and go quicker than ever! I officially think that many of us make Christmas too chaotic. too hectic. and too busy. I only got a small chunk of time I was able to sit and truly ponder on the wonder of why we celebrate. Next year, this will be different. I don't know how we are going to make the days not so filled with the stress of food/ gifts/ company etc, but I am determined to make it happen!
Anyways… We DID in fact have a great Christmas, despite the craziness! Last year, I didn't have to work because I was on maternity leave, and this year, I just lucked out!
We started off our celebrating with the whole Dittrich gang in New Ulm on the 22nd! It was fun to see them again after just a month at Thanksgiving (which rarely happens!) and we enjoyed a full day with these great people!
Addie officially understood how to open presents, and that there are good things inside! Although the boxes and wrapping are often just as fun for them :)
Then it was Christmas eve, and I tried to snag a few pics before we headed off to church for a fun family service!
My family!
The "kids" including the newest addition, we call him Theo as well…she is completely in love with him already!
We finally got to my parents house around 7pm on Christmas eve, and they once again braved a 'surf and turf' meal! (I on the other hand enjoyed some fine veggie pizza!)
Addie got to meet her great Aunt Wai Pik from Hong Kong that was here to visit! They adored one another and had lot of fun being silly!
The boys were digging in! They mean business when it comes to their meals and meat.
Addie loved opening some more presents, and got another round of "not so girlie gifts" from her uncle Scott which included a dump truck…lol
Christmas morning was here!…and well, it was a very very tired morning. Let's just say I am spoiled by having a baby who has since 3 months old not only slept through the night, but slept in until 8:00-8:45 am. I AM NOT used to having her up for hours on end at night. Pack and play + us in the same room just didn't fly that night.
BUT….we got over that real quick, got all decked out in red and green, and got ready to brave the day full of fun!
All of my mom's side and part of my dad's side joined us Christmas morning at my parents for brunch and gifts! Addison was loving time with great aunt Judy- another favorite!
And of course, those priceless moments with Gramma Pam. Gosh these two have such a special relationship!
Christmas night, we hosted the immediate Dittrich family at our house! Good times were had, and the cousins were so fun to watch together!
Completely delusional from no sleep, but loving every moment of the play time with new toys and family!
Aunt Haley is like a magnet for kids. They all love her- and I don't blame them, she is amazing!
Uncle Alex even scored some cuddle time the next day- gotta love these moments!
Merry Christmas!!!
Gearing up for Christmas!
The December birthdays had past.
The lights and decorations were hung.
The snow had fallen, with even a snow storm behind us.
(Almost) All the presents had been bought.
...And now it was time to enjoy a few more special moments/ traditions before Christmas arrived! We really try to soak things in around here…sometimes we fail, but other times we succeed! Here are some of the successes that we were able to capture with the good 'ol iphone!
Addie, Theo and I braved it out on the deck during the huge snow storm in order for her to have her first full fledge snow experience… So, I set her down….and she sat still…and did not move. ever. lol Oh well! There were no tears and this was the most expression I got out of her! At least we have the first one under our belt!
We complain and complain about the cold winters in the midwest, but sometimes I don't think I realize how much I actually appreciate them. Even though the roads are NOT fun to drive on, the snow is absolutely beautiful! I loved this view as I was driving into my neighborhood, and just had to snap a couple pictures!
After getting Addie's 1 year pictures taken by a wonderful friend, we made some more Christmas cookies! Sam and I have done this every year since we have been married. We love doing it…However every year we find the need to make a simpler cookie recipe. Not because we don't have the time, but because of our severe lack of baking skills! Either way, we have fun doing it…and this year we got to show Add the ropes!
Us girls had one last trip to the Mall of America to wrap up the last of our gift buying and ended up scoring some AMAZING deals for ourselves too…oops :) We always have so much fun together though- we make a great team!
We decided to make it a tradition last year (when Addie was just 3 weeks old) to try and make it Downtown Minneapolis and look at the Macy's 8th floor display. I think every year I go, I forget how short the display actually is, and that they don't change the theme each year…but again we went, and it was great! Addie is at such a fun age, and was so fun to watch her be mesmerized by everything!
I think she pointed at things 95% of the time! It's been her new thing, and I adore it!
Of course one of us had to catch the stomach flu, so I took one for the team! Addie very much enjoyed the empty bottle of sprite that remained though!
Christmas season was upon us, and soon to be here! We tried our best not to hurry the moments so they didn't slip on by!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Addison Joy: 1 Year Old!
I cannot believe that our little Addie is ONE! A whole year has passed since she entered the world! On 12.2.11 at 6:18pm, 2 1/2 weeks early, Addison Joy made her arrival. She weighed in at 7 lbs 3.4 oz and was19 inches long.
Ever since that moment, our world changed more than we could have imagined {for the better}. I am dead serious when I say that EVERY day we are in awe at how blessed we are to have someone so precious in our lives!
Addie is still working hard on growing, and still hasn't mastered it quite yet, but we believe she will get there!…;)
One year stats:
Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz (< 1st percentile)
Height: 28 inches (18th percentile)
Head: 16 3/4 inches (1st percentile)
Addie was born one day after my birthday, so this year we got to experience two days in a row of celebrating! My birthday was a great combo of fun activities, but her's was even better :)
A couple months ago we were trying hard to pick a theme for her party, and eventually decided to do a monkey theme! We finally arrived there after the following conclusions:
A. We wanted to do something that really represented who she was- at one, she is not really into any movies, shows, or characters
B. She always wants to be upside down, climbing, flipping around and is all around silly!
C. It's cute!
D. She loves animals
Decision made!
Here are a couple photos of her 1st birthday party:
We feel so lucky to have amazing friends and family in our lives and in hers as well! It was so fun to celebrate with them all! Bring on the next year full of great memories and growing into the incredible individual God created Addie to be!
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