I love camping. I really do. Those who know me can attest to the fact that I usually scream bloody murder at the presence of a bug/ or gross things of that nature. However, when I am outside anything goes, and my tolerance for those nasty little critters diminishes
(with the exception of ticks and biting mosquitos) When I am camping, I get to enjoy one of my greatest loves…the outdoors! I thrive on fresh air, THE SUN, the heat, and everything green :) I also love the simplicity that camping brings. I am a firm believer in sticking to the basics when camping…cooking everything on the fire and only creating work to be done when its a necessity. It's a time to get away from the expectations and chaos of everyday life. Sam on the other hand hates the heat & the beating sun... but as a whole, generally enjoys camping. Therefore, as a family on a tight budget, camping has been and will become even more of an activity that we will embrace together!
So, on a weekend with temps in the high 90's- low 100's why not drag the troops camping? This time was a little bit different for the following reasons:
A. We have a 7 month old, who we had obviously never camped with, so it was a trial run to see how she would do
B. We only had saturday afternoon-monday morning to go due to both of our work schedules
C. Sam still had to work Sunday morning
D. It was going to be HOT
The solution? Camp at a beautiful campsite right here in Hudson! The 3 Dittrichs (+ Theo) as well as my parents ventured a whole 3 miles from our house to Willow River State Park. This way, Sam could leave Sunday morning to go to work, we wouldn't waste time driving and we could always stop home if things got rough (with Addie) etc etc.
Sam setting up our new tent! |
Despite the fact that we were one of the last people to reserve a site at the campsite (leaving us with a very UNshadded campsite) we really did enjoy ourselves. We made do with makeshift shade, AC trips to the car, spending a day at the "beach" and picnic area where there were lots of trees, and a lot of laughter! Other than the fact that poor Addie was pretty hot a lot of the time she was a gem and played in her pack-n-play so well (she even took a few short naps!)
Reading in the shade with grandma! |
I myself, really enjoyed the heat and beating sun, however I spent a lot of time worrying if Add was cool enough and making sure she was okay. Sam…well, he of course hated the heat. Therefore, I think our future camping trips will take place in the spring and early fall. I can bake in the sun right here at home where no one else is subjected to it ;)
Who knew picking daises could be so much fun?! |
LOVING exploring in the tent! |
hot hot hot! |
My first EVER motorcycle ride with my bro (note: thankfully our max speed= 25 mph) |
Laughing with mommy :) |
Overall, it was a good trial run for us and our growing family & We didn't even need to stop home! We learned what we need to change for next time! I loved spending time with my parents (and the day visit from my brother). I look forward to exploring this campsite and many others in the future Spring and Fall months for years to come:)
Who wants to sleep when everyone else is hanging out by the fire?! |