This is my 50th post…yay! However, considering the fact that I've had this blog for a couple years, maybe I should pick up my game a little bit! Anyways, here are my thoughts right now…
Summer is actually winding down. To me, this is marked by none other than the MN State fair, and the talk of all the kids going back to school as well as the youth ministry starting back up full swing again. I am sad to see summer go
[as I am every year] but the beauty of change and the beginning of something is also quite exciting and fills me with hope and anticipation!
[I am not referring to the State fair when I say this, although I am quite excited about the pizza on a stick and animals we will get to enjoy ;)]
Us at the fair last year! |
Greatly anticipating her arrival!!! |
As a somewhat newly married couple [3 years] and as new parents, we get the joy of experiencing many "firsts" together. From then on, we get the opportunity to form traditions and things we as a family regularly do! This summer has not been any exception. Everything was a first for Addie, given she is only 8 1/2 months old, but how fun it was to experience so much along side her and each other!
The many trips to the zoo, walks around the river and neighborhood, camping, and more than that, just the simple joys of trying new everyday things were so fun!!
She is now fully on the move…She decided to wait until 7 months to sit up on her own, and just a few days later started crawling! Now she is a speedy Gonzales around the house and is pulling herself up on almost everything, but is still too wobbly to stay up for too long. Bring on the 'bonked heads' and hopefully they don't occur too often ;) It's is amazing how creative one can get while baby proofing! For us, we removed the major 'no-no's' and then its more of a change it as we go type of game, as we see what she likes to get into and how we can avoid that without turning our house upside down.
One of her first discoveries- of course! |
Despite popular baby belief, kleenex does NOT really taste good! |
She is such a delight [as grandma-sh as that sounds, but truly she is] Still a little shy with those she doesn't know well, but we are working on that ;) Sam and I were just reminiscing about how this stage is pretty easy compared to the first 3-4 months and what is to come in the toddler stage etc, and are fully prepared to soak up every minute of it right now!
Excited for another wedding shower for Auntie/ Godmother Tiffany!!! |
Next mission: try to get Theo to be as in love with Addison and she is with him! Seriously, the look of awe and love and many laughs that get sent his way are unreal! Don't get me wrong, he likes her, but is still pretty guarded. We are hoping they really buddy up, because right now, he honestly seems like more work than her! And I guarantee, that has nothing to do with the fact that he has been completely spoiled and babied until we had her ;) lol
This says it all... |
Last thought….Ever since Addie was born, I have really tried to live my life more simply. Away with the years of going going going [as I wrote about a while ago
Here] and being involved in so much that what you are involved in becomes a task and not the help it maybe should be. I [and sam too] have been trying to soak up every day as we are able. Simplify, simplify, simplify! [My love for efficiency also helps!] Packing your life with "good stuff" can be just as destructive as "bad stuff." So we try, and sometimes we fail, but none-the-less it is still the motto of how we want to live our lives and be as a family. So no, I may not be able to do as much as I once did with others or make more money by working more hours, but I am putting those things that are closest to my heart at the top of my priority list…in order to have a balanced, happy home!
LOVES to be upside down any chance she gets! |
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!