Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Up, down & around!

This past weekend, Sam was away on a men's retreat with our church, so my mom, Addie, and I decided to take a mini vaca to Duluth! 

Even though we only had a day and a half to spend there (because my work thinks its AWESOME to schedule me friday evenings on my weekends off…) we decided to do it anyways! The forcast for the weekend was rain rain and more rain :( However, we left early sat morning and were able to catch good weather until after dinner saturday! …AND we only got caught in heavy rain once!  I can imagine it was quite the sight seeing us run with a stroller to find some sort of shelter from the walk around the lake! 

Addie loving some quality time with her grandma by the lake in Duluth!! (Thank goodness for hats because she has does not quite share the passion for sun that her mom has yet!)

Taking it all in….:)

Gotta love those smile and how interactive she is now!! Its amazing how much of a "mini girl" she is becoming!!!

Trying to get some food into my little girl who is not the fondest of eating ;)

I LOVE THE MOBY WRAP!! This thing has been such an amazing thing from the time she was about a month old (8lbs) and continues to be! It is a lifesaver! I love how you can wear the baby so many ways and alter it based on their age and activity level…and its super light weight! 

Watching the seagulls with grandma! She actually really liked them ;)

Everything was going wonderful, until….a big boat came to go under the bridge!! The loud horn noise scared her so much!

…so then it was nap time, something little miss Addison has not yet mastered, but needs SO much :)

 Lounging on the hotel bed! She was SOO good the whole time we were there! And even slept in her pack-n-play for most of the night!

Theo and Addie reunite after a few days apart! They were SO excited to see eachother! 
To save more trips then necessary to lakeville so that my dad could watch Theo while we were gone, he went there from thurs-mon…I didnt realize how much I STILL loved him and depended on him at home! It was so sad to have him gone, and was super excited when he came back! 

Working real hard on sitting up! Not quite there yet…soon enough!

Loving to *bounce bounce bounce*!!

What a fun weekend it was!! Looking forward to many more fun summer adventures!

**Random thought** 
I have been thinking a lot lately about how we dream and work so hard to get where we want to be in life…When we are babies (and as we grow up), our parents have so many dreams and hopes for us. When we are kids, we dream so big (ex: when I get married..., when I grow up I want to _____, when I am old_____ ) Then, we work our butts off through, junior high, high school, and college, still dreaming with high hopes for "the future." We then, get into our career, possibly get married, and soon after start a family. So, whats crazy for me to think, is I AM HERE! I am all grown up, I have my family, and my career. All that hoping and wishing for the future, is now my present. So, what do I do with this? Keep on dreaming, and keep on striving to not be content with a mediocre life. To think of all that has changed/ shaped me over the years is incredible. So, onward to continuing pouring my passion into the things that matter most in life, and to continue having BIG dreams for my own child and children to come!! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh may!

I LOVE May... It is such a wonderful month! The air is warm and anticipation/ planning is in full swing for the summer months ahead!

So far, we have had a great month, with a few adventures yet to come in the next couple weeks!

It started off being able to celebrate little Adrians first birthday! What an adorable Dr. Seuss party! Fitting, for such a wonderful little boy!

The dad's and their little ones :)
Addie, attempting to nap at the party!
We journeyed down to Algona, IA (where Sam grew up) to go to his little sister Haley's Graduation party! Although little Addie was still sick :( she was a trooper and we had a lot of fun seeing family/ friends and celebrating Haley's graduation! It was fun to have the newest little cousins together as well as have most of Sam's extended family meet Addie for the first time!

And then, the next day, I got to celebrate my first technical mothers day! My wish for the day was to cherish every moment I had with Addie. We slept in, and skipped church because Addie was still feeling under the weather. This meant extra cuddling and lovin for us! I also got cancelled from work due to low census, so that meant even more time enjoying the beautiful weather with my family! All in all, I felt very loved, appreciated, and soaked up every moment of the day!

We have enjoyed starting to move up to 3-6 month clothes! There are so many cute summer outfits that Addie and I are stoked to have her wear! Although, I think she may be slightly more excited about the fact that she can almost sit up on her own, and her BFF sophie. 

Addie has had a fun time accompanying me to the youth ministry Sam leads at our church for the last few months. However, a couple weeks she has gotten to join our group of 8th grade girls during small group time! She has loved the girl talk, and tried hard not to be too much of a distraction!

Bring on the rest of May and a fun trip with the girls to Duluth planned for this next weekend!!


I am frequently torn…

between the creative, go with the flow and spontaneous side of me, and the organized, safe and simple one.
between wanting to be UBER productive, and desiring to seize the moment.
between being upfront about things, and being passive aggressive.
between seeing everyone's point of view, and standing strong on what I think.
between wanting to please everyone around me and doing what I want.

Sound like 2 different people? Nope, it's just one. Its me. And no, I am not bi polar! I am simply realizing that I have many different sides to myself that are brought out in different stages, situations and relationships. The tricky part, finding a balance to make up the general sum of who I am! Yep, I am still working on that one. Please help me if I ever stop :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Life lately, Dittrich style!


Life has been pretty good lately, I can't really complain! There have been so many fun and treasured moments that I hope to never forget! Its crazy how life's 'fun moments' can change so much over the years. Sam and I met our freshman year of college, and what we considered fun then (not that we did anything that crazy) is so different than what we would love to do on a weekend now! I guess we really are growing old(er). 

Little miss Addie is already 5 months old! I cant believe it! Its bitter sweet because the newborn/ little baby stage is so precious but it is SO much fun getting to know her and watch her reach milestones! She is getting to be such a big girl!!

Updates for Addie:

-She is napping good in her crib 50-60% of the time (most of those times are when mom's home, sorry sam!)
-Taking 3 1 1/2- 2 hr naps a day
-Still sleeping like a champ all through the night! 
-Officially does not hate the car seat anymore, and actually WILL fall asleep or play quietly as we crank up the music and drive! YAY!!
-She is talking so much and laughing a lot too! It is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! (her thoughtful sounds makes my heart melt every time)
-She is still in 0-3 month clothes, but hoping to upgrade to 3-6 soon, I'm ready for some new clothing options!
-Officially (as of tomorrow) 100% switched to formula…bitter sweet
-Rolling over from tummy to back and working on repeating from back to tummy which she only did once a few weeks ago!
-Loving playing with Theo, where you find Addie, you will find him! They are such good pals already!
-She got Baptized on 4/22/12, and it was so very special :)

Baptism :)

I don't really have a whole lot else to reflect on/ say at the moment. As I said earlier, I feel like most things in life are just really good. It's really nice to finally feel that way :)

I've been waiting/ dreaming my whole life to be a mom, and it is so much more amazing than I could have ever imagined (not easier, just overall incredible!)

Loving life :)

Swimming for the first time! Loving her new froggy pool!

Loungin' in the "sun"

First softball game! Enjoying time with Grandma!

Showing off her big girl skills and holding her own bottle!