Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Whelp, we are doing it… we are adjusting to the new routines and ways of life without momma around 24/7!

Its been almost 3 weeks since I went back to work...and yes, we did survive, and are even starting to thrive! It takes a little (ok, a lot) of letting go, and help to not miss her so much, but we are doing it! The many pictures sent to me through the evening as well as knowing there are such good people (Sam and my mom) taking care of her make it possible! I just love my little girl so much my heart literally hurts every time I think about her! When I am home, it makes every moment with her that more special. I appreciate it even more now, and am very blessed to now only work a .6 (24 hrs a week) 

Momma time :)

On another note, we can proudly say little Addie has hit 10 lbs as of yesterday! We are so excited because her weight gain has been a slight worry since birth. She dropped more than usual after birth, was very dehydrated and very jaundiced. Since then, has had trouble (most weeks) making that growth curve actually move upward! However, I know I shouldn't worry so much, and that she will be just fine I'm sure… She is just showing us she is a slow grower and very petite!

Getting so much stronger!!
Brother/ sister love! Its so cute to see them interact!
For 2 nights in a row, we have gone 7 hours, yes, 7 HOURS between feedings at night!!!! I can't believe it, and really hope it lasts a little while! I actually didn't even mind waking up once a night (usually between 4-5) because we would both go back to sleep until 8 or sometimes 9! But hey, Ill take the "sleeping through the night" as long as she will give it to us!

Have I mentioned how blessed we are to be living where we are? Our house situation may have been/ is horrible and not fun, but we didn't expect (or deserve) to be blessed with such a great place to live now once we go out of there! Wow! God is good!

Other random facts about Addie/ life with Addie: she HATES the car and her car seat. She cries (and sometimes screams continuously) every time she has to go in the car for about 10-15 minutes. It is so sad! However, she does LOVE music, and sometimes I just need to crank it up and once she lets it, it seems to sooth her. Hopefully this hate does not last forever, and is just a phase. (fingers crossed)

Finally relaxed and dozing off in the car!
Until next time…. :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My little Addie...

My little girl is 2 months and 1 week old now! Oh how the time flies! It is crazy how fast each day, week, and month goes by… I am trying to keep the moments within those days/ weeks/ months to go by so slowly though! Got to soak up every minute/ stage with this little girl of ours! I love how her personality is starting to come out, it is so exciting!

-She is a definite cuddler, and if it was up to her, she would be wrapped around my shoulder or curled up in someone's arms 24/24 hours in the day. I so am grateful for this!
-She is a sleeper, and is still only awake for about 30 minutes after each feeding.

-She likes 1 on 1 time when playing, and thats when she will really get to talking/ smiling!
-She does a mood 180 in like 2.2 seconds. She is either super happy or ready to eat/ sleep. There is NO in-between.
-She knows exactly what she wants, and is very strong in letting you know that!
-She has mischievous little smiles quite frequently, letting us know she's up to no good ;)

-She continues to be an active little bugger, and has been able to scoot across her crib for about a month now!

-Her neck and legs are getting so strong and her eyes so focused…bring on the play time!

It is also so neat watching her and her 'big brother" Theo interact! Theo has been great with her from day 1... He is so protective of her and always wants to be right by her side. She is starting to notice him now too, starring at him, and reaching out to touch him.

I am going back to work tomorrow. I am of course nervous and sad... but I am also anxious to get it over with…I think the anticipation of it is worse than the reality of how it will be. Onward to create a new routine! (just when we were starting to get things figured out)

On another note, my best friend has set the date for her wedding! (Sept 1st) and I am so excited to be along the ride with her on this exciting journey! I couldn't be more happy for her and her fiance! Yay for LOVE!

…and she has just informed me its eating time for her, so it's time to go!