Wednesday, October 24, 2012


The rain is falling…as are the leaves. It is indeed a cozy week! When there is more time spent inside, there frankly is more time {or so it seems} Lately, I have been really striving to dive in further to my passions and priorities in life…and while doing so have found myself asking these questions:

What are the most important areas of my life to devote my time/ efforts to in this season of my life?
In what areas do I need to step out further, and get a little "dirty," even when it is so much more comfortable to stay inside the box?
What example am I setting for those around me, whether a stranger or dear to my heart?

And no, I most certainly do not have the answers figured out to these questions, but pondering, and starting to act on them definitely puts me one step ahead of where I was last.

As I have written before at the end of this post, I have really tried to simplify my life. To not overload it with junk, even "good" junk. I feel like this concept has become more natural to me now. I am saying no to things I would have once felt obligated to do…I am soaking up most mornings at home, being silly house bums with my girl {and sometimes Sam!} 

However, now that I have cleansed my life of most excess things, I am feeling strongly that it is time to refill it a little bit... with the things I am truly passionate about or need in my life. Fellowship with positive/ like minded people, crafting, the youth, digging deeper into a more faith filled life, and giving to others.

Let myself, and possibly you be challenged with what takes hold over our life? Have we intentionally filled it with what things are best and balanced for the right now?…or is it the stuff we think we should or have to do?

Sam and I have just begun to read the book Soul Detox by Craig Groeschel together… I think it is going to be good on so many levels…I am thoroughly stoked!

Monday, October 8, 2012

OH what an eventful week!

Wow, the past 6 days have been anything but boring. The craziness started last tuesday when I started to get Sam and I packed up for a 3 day trip to Atlanta for a leadership conference- and little miss Addie packed up for her first time away from mom and dad at Grammas!

It is crazy how many emotions are tied up in leaving your daughter for more than a night. Now, I in no way was nervous to leave her with my mom, I just simply missed her! I missed every silly, and seemingly monotonous part of my days with her. I believe those are the most precious moments, and what I cherish most. However, she had an AMAZING time with her Gramma who she adores, and I think it was good for the both of us!

We had a GREAT time at the conference! There was a group of 8 people from our church that went along. We got the privilege of sharing the company of some truly well rounded and solid group of leaders :) The conference was intense…a lot of great speakers with useful and inspiring content all packed in to 2 days. I honestly think I am still processing everything I heard, and I think that goes for a lot of the people that went! Needless to say, I believe change and growth will happen as a result of it, making us better leaders at our church!

Now onto the next biggie of the week…my MARATHON! 6 months ago, I felt like this was something I needed to do (for many reasons). I knew it was going to take A LOT of dedication and hard work, but that I WAS CAPABLE, so I said yes! The training was hard at times, but overall it really solidified my love for running. Running is, and for the past several years has been my exercise of choice, but never had I run more than 6 miles! So…I stuck to my training schedule like glue, only missing two short runs, and worked hard on not only my physical strength, but my mental strength as well.

After months of preparation, the day had finally come. I was very nervous and emotional as there was so much anticipation leading up to this moment! The first half of the race went pretty darn good, and at about mile 19-20 I just got TIRED! My body felt like rubber, yet I had no doubt I was going to finish this marathon! My personal cheerleaders along the way made it SO much better, and I have to say I very much enjoyed the other thousands of crazy spectators along the way! I know God was behind me in all of this, from the moment I decided to do it, to the funds I raised for clean water, to the moment I crossed that finish line, just 6 minutes shy of my goal! I also know that it would not have been possible without my amazing husband's support and sacrifices during the training and on the big day! WOW, am I blessed!

Run a marathon after each kid!? Sure why not! Thats my plan :)

Now onto a much more relaxing and low key week ;)