Saturday, July 24, 2010

Some things are constant?

Im wondering if there are some things in life that can never be forgotten and let go of. I mean, you say you forgive, but you can never forget. Thus, it can never stop shaping and effecting your life. Im looking for the cure, which is not out there. Therefore, my search will continue. How do you deal with the hurt others have caused you and not let it contribute to your current relationships?
Move on...I know (easier said than done)
Accepting is going to be the first step I guess.

On a side note, I am very thankful to have some wonderful friends. There are a few that are truly quality and mean the world to me. I think I have underestimated the power and importance a healthy and uplifting friendship can be!

Looking for that "perfect job" which really means Ill settle for anything within pediatric nursing...lots of waiting to see what shall come of my current jobs.

Patience really is a VIRTUE.

*Christina Joy

1 comment:

  1. I learn so much from you. You are truly and inspiration to ME! <3
