Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's all worth it!

Oh my little Addie, you are growing up so much!

She is growing up to be so strong, and everyday we get to see a little bit more of her personality! 3 and 1/2 months old and she is showing that she is a soft spoken, bashful, smiley/ joyful, yet determined sweet little one! She laughed for the first time this week with the help of her Grandpa! Oh and she LOVES her sleep… She is still taking five 1.5- 2 hr naps a day and sleeping 7-10 hours straight at night! It makes it hard to go out though because she will rarely sleep in her car seat (ya we are still working on that), so then she doesn't get her much needed naps in :( However, I am wondering how I got stuck with a husband, dog, and daughter who ALL love their sleep!? lol... I myself, do not share that passion!

We are loving every moment we get to spend with her! It's so much less stressful now that we feel like we finally "get the hang of it!"  She is especially enjoying her many hours of daddy and grandma time while mommy is at work! Its so neat to see her relationships grow with others!

Unfortunately, Addie is currently sick for the first time :( It breaks my heart to see her so congested, and feeling so sick…Hopefully this will be short lived and she will be feeling better soon :( In the meantime, hopefully lots of snuggles and kisses help her feel better...

The weather is so gorgeous!!! I am so thankful we did not have to deal with a bad winter and a newborn! I was scared of having to deal with the roads, cold, etc…but it looks like we had it quite easy! Now onward to walks outside, swimming, and adorable summer clothes for the little one! We are going to try and soak up every bit of summer this year as a family, and not forget/ put aside the things we love to do!

Side note: Things that are good, are true, and are right…well, they are worth fighting for. It is worth giving of yourself, your selfish thoughts, ways and desires. It is all worth it, and in the end thats what matters. Trying your heart out to let the important things in life (relationships, morals, others, truth) remain a priority.


  1. Such a beautiful baby! Addie is so blessed to have a Mommy (& Daddy) with such great, Godly perspective and priorities. Enjoy each moment--the first year goes so fast (even though some days are REALLY long.) Hope she feels better quickly.
