Tuesday, August 10, 2010


How long do you have to wait until everything falls into place?
It seems as though you spend your who life building up for these moments when you are finally there...when all of the countless years of learning, and searching for "the one" have paid off. But where is the guarantee that the next things will just fall into your lap. Yes, I know what you are thinking, this IS NO guarantee, but it sure feels like there should be one, or at least a time frame on when you should expect them to fly your way. I feel so uneasy when even the slightest bit of nothing is out of sorts, so these big things are driving me crazy inside! I know I should be thankful, so thankful, for what I HAVE. But it is human nature to want more...and to want to do/ be my best. I know I am so close to those next things where I truly feel I could be my best, if I could just BE there.
Soon. Hopefully, soon...

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling sister. I find myself praying over it constantly and thinking to myself "MAN, I sure am whiney." I also can't help but look back on the other "BIG" things In life that I whined over and for whatever reason God went a head and took his sweet time getting back to me...however, I am grateful for where I am now. ALTHOUGH, it sucks waiting for the big stuff, especially when they arent falling into place in the design or fashion that we had planned or expected them to. WAAAAH!!!
