Monday, August 23, 2010

standing still

Ever find yourself waiting for some of those you love to come around?
It seems like they are often off in their own little world with little realization of just how much harm they are doing to themselves and those around them.
More than it saddens me/ someone to watch this, it is tough to picture the damage that is being done on the person's life.
As I in fact know, wisdom and learning often comes from your mistakes. However, at what point do you stop "acting in a way you may be able to learn from" and actually start learning? Because my biggest fear is that months turn in to years, and then a couple years turns in to a lifetime. One that you cant get back.
What is my part in all this? How long can you watch and support when everything in you wants to intervene and pull them away from all the destruction.
I do believe change is possible, but I hope it is not false hope. I guess thats not up to me.
Just know I love you.


  1. I tremble thinking I should have anything to say about such a personal and painful post but I feel moved to respond. Responding from a person who watch someone self destruct and had many of the same questions. It sound quaint but all so true- the serenity prayer. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference." I can only change myself, Proverbs taught me much about Wisdom, and accepting the other person is responsible to change or continue self destruction. We are powerless to change that.
    I hope this is helpful and not too intrusive

  2. Very helpful and insightful! Thanks Dave!
